The Razalean website states that it can help you maximize metabolism & increase energy levels. It also says that it is guaranteed to help you lose weight faster with its 3 in 1 weight loss formula. Read the review to see if it is the right pill for you.
Some good ingredients in the formula.
Can most likely raise the metabolism.
The company that makes the product are legitimate.
A lot of caffeine that could cause the jitters.
No real customer feedback.
A lot of hype.
Ingredient profile incomplete.
It’s hard to get enthusiastic about Razalean. It is a fat burner and appetite suppressant that suffers from a lot of hype.
There doesn’t seem to be many impartial customer reviews or feedback.
If you want our recommendation We would suggest PhenQ – a multi action fat burner that has many positive customer reviews and is one the most popular weight loss supplements for the last few years.
Content Table
What is Razalean?
Razalean is a diet pill that’s only available to buy online.
The company distributing it describes it as an “intelligently designed” and “exotic” formulation that took 19 years to create and thousands of hours of research and testing.
It’s a well-presented product and the site makes a lot of bold promises about the benefits customers can expect.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of grey areas about Razalean including its origin and what it contains.
However, it’s hard not to love the marketing angle that compares Razalean to a high-performance sports car and suggests other diet pills are like an old-style family saloon.
Site visitors are treated to a picture of a bottle of Razalean standing next to a Ferrari and a bottle marked “other diet pills” next to a bog-standard 70s-style station wagon.
These odd duos sit underneath the question, “Seriously… Which would you rather have?”
Is Razalean really a high-performance diet pill?
It could be, but there’s no way to know because the company selling it doesn’t provide enough information about what’s underneath the hood.
If you believe the hype, Razalean has clocked up an immense 87,000 satisfied customers.
That sounds great, but there is no way to know if the statement is true. However, neither is there any way to ascertain if it’s a lie.
As I stated a little earlier, there are a lot of gray areas about Razalean and no way to fill in the blanks. a bit like OxiPhex – a similar product!
Recommended Diet Product: Which diet pill can burn excess body fat, block new fat and suppress appetite. Click here to find out.
Who Makes Razalean?
When you buy products online it’s always nice to know who you are dealing with. In this case, there is no way to know.
The Razalean website does not provide any company information whatsoever.
When I encounter a situation like this I often manage to dig out a little company information by checking the site’s privacy policy or terms and conditions page.
The Razalean website has neither one. That’s quite unusual.
The fact there is no privacy policy is particularly disconcerting.
Although some sites may not need to provide one, sites that collect personal information such as delivery addresses and credit card details have to have one. It’s the law.
Despite the lack of company information, the website mentions a team of three people.
Unfortunately, no names are provided. The site also states the pills are manufactured in the USA.
The website footer has some small print that provides an address in Utah. I checked this out and found out it’s a mailbox at a UPS store.
So, what does all this mean? Other than the fact the Razalean website is lacking important pages, it means buying this product is going to be like doing business with the Invisible Man.
What are the Razalean Benefits
- 3 in 1 formulation
- Maximize metabolism
- Boost energy levels and increase performance
- Powerful thermogenic
- Easy to swallow pills
- Significantly reduce belly size
Razalean Ingredient Profile
The Razalean website fails to provide a complete ingredient profile, but it does mention 10 of the ingredients the formulation is supposed to contain.
All of them are natural, which is certainly a point in Razalean’s favor.
Better still, some of the ingredients mentioned have science-backed abilities when it comes to boosting performance and losing weight.
The big problem is, the site does not provide inclusion rates.
This may not sound like a big issue, but it is. Too much of one ingredient and too little of another can make all the difference.
Especially when there are so many ingredients involved.
However, the 10 ingredients are:
- Cayenne Pepper
- Raspberry Ketones
- Garcinia Cambogia
- Caffeine 3X Energy Matrix
- Turmeric Root Extract
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Green Coffee Bean
- L-Arginine
- Rhodiola
- Kelp
Razalean Ingredient Capabilities
Cayenne is a red pepper extract. It’s a good ingredient. Lots of diet pills contain cayenne.
It’s just a pity that, in this case, there is no way to know if the formulation contains enough.
Let’s presume it does. If this is the case, cayenne will support weight loss by suppressing hunger and increasing fat burning.
Cayenne boosts fat burning in two ways. Firstly, it increases metabolism. This helps because a faster metabolism burns more calories per hour.
The second way cayenne boosts fat burning is by increasing thermogenesis.
Thermogenesis is a natural biological process that causes the body to loos energy as heat.
It happens all through your life and it happens all the time. All cayenne does is step things up a bit, but it’s still a valuable benefit if you are trying to lose weight.
Raspberry Ketones
There are two forms of Raspberry ketones commonly used in diet pills. The first type comes from raspberries.
It’s the compound that gives the fruit its distinctive smell. Strangely enough, the same compound can also be found in certain other fruits, albeit in lesser quantities.
The second type of raspberry ketone is synthetic. It’ s made in a lab.
Raspberry ketones is put in diet pills because it has a reputation for providing appetite suppression.
It may also help accelerate fat burning by increasing levels of the fat-burning hormone adiponectin.
The best raspberry ketone comes from fruit. There is no way to know which form is being used here.
That’s no biggie in this case because we don’t know how much extract is there.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is a fruit. It grows in tropical climates. The rind of the fruit contains the chemical hydroxycitric acid (HCA).
This is the compound that’s helped garcinia cambogia become such a popular diet pill ingredient.
HCA appears to be capable of curbing the appetite. It may also support weight loss by hampering the body’s ability to convert excess calories into fresh stores of fat.
Experts say garcinia cambogia needs to be around 60% HCA. The Razalean marketing material does not reveal the potency of the extract the pills contain.
Again, it’s no biggie. Even if we presume it’s 60% HCA, we still don’t know how much is there.
Caffeine 3X Energy Matrix
Caffeine is an incredibly common diet pill ingredient. This version is not. The people behind Razalean say it’s superior and will provide longer-lasting benefits without the risk of a crash.
There is no evidence to support this claim. It may be true. Then again, it may not.
The Caffeine 3X Energy Matrix is a combination of caffeine citrate, caffeine anhydrous, and caffeine extracted from green tea.
Caffeine is great for boosting energy and performance. It also has proven value as a fat burner.
The downside is, overly high doses can cause side effects so it not good we have no idea how much the formulation contains.
Turmeric is a cooking spice that provides curcumin. The compound is not a stimulant but it still increases energy. That makes it a good substitute for caffeine.
Curcumin also fights inflammation. Some people take curcumin supplements for that reason.
Although curcumin is a beneficial compound, the body has trouble absorbing it.
If you want to get the best from curcumin, you need to combine it is the black pepper extract, piperine.
Piperine can increase curcumin absorption by up to 2,000%. Due to the lack of a full ingredient profile, it’s impossible to ascertain if this formulation as any piperine in it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
If you value apple cider vinegar on its reputation as a cure-all, it’s an excellent inclusion.
If you go looking for the science, you may be left feeling confused and underwhelmed.
In all probability, apple cider vinegar may be very good for the body. A limited amount of evidence suggests it can help with weight loss too.
However, there are many more credible natural fat burners. Green tea is one of them.
If Razalean contains green tea, its presence is not mentioned anywhere on the Razalean website.
Green Coffee Bean
This ingredient contains chlorogenic acid. The compound gets a lot of praise as a fat burner, but it has another ability as well.
If the dose is high enough, chlorogenic acid can help your body maintain healthy blood sugar and insulin levels.
This may prevent fluctuating blood sugar levels from triggering sugar cravings.
When the dose is right, this amino acid can boost nitric oxide levels within the body. This can improve circulation and help you to train with greater intensity.
Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen herb. It’s sometimes put in sports supplements in an effort to delay the onset of fatigue.
When it comes to weight loss, the ingredient is more of a diet pill occasional than a diet pill regular.
Presuming Razalean provides a decent amount, its presence in the formulation will probably offer the most benefit to dieters who exercise regularly to try and lose weight.
It’s quite common to find kelp listed as an ingredient in diet pill formulations. Its value stems from the fact that it’s a good natural source of iodine.
Iodine supports the thyroid gland in its task of creating the hormones T3 and T4. If your diet does not provide enough iodine, your thyroid may not produce enough of these hormones.
That’s undesirable because the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 govern metabolism.
By providing extra iodine, kelp may boost thyroid hormone levels within your body. This may speed up your metabolism and help you to burn extra calories and lose weight.
Kelp has value as a weight loss aid but unless your diet lacks sufficient iodine its presence is Razalean won’t make much difference to you.
Razalean Dosage and Usage Guidelines
The usage guidelines are a bit vague, but the standard dose is one capsule per day. If there are no tolerance problems, it’s permissible to up the dose to two capsules per day.
Razalean Customer Reviews
There’s no reliable customer feedback for this product.
The manufacturer’s website states the product has 87,000+ customer reviews, but where are they? The site only has three short testimonials.
Even if there were more, testimonials shared on manufacturer’s websites can be biased. Relying on them would not be wise.
I searched the internet and was unable to find any customer reviews.
If Razalean has changed over 87,000 lives you’d expect there to be more people with something to say.
Razalean Side Effects
According to the website, there are no side effects, but caution is to be advised.
Razalean contains caffeine. High doses of caffeine can cause side effects such as headaches, jitters, and nausea.
That’s not to say caffeine is bad. It’s not. Caffeine is a versatile ingredient with many virtues, it just needs to be treated with respect.
Unfortunately, the lack of inclusion rates makes it impossible to ascertain how much caffeine this formulation contains.
Bearing in mind the questions about the caffeine content and the presence of so many other ingredients in undisclosed quantities, it would be a wise precaution to ask a doctor for advice before trying to speed up your weight loss with Razalean.
Does Razalean Work?
There is no way to be certain what kind of benefits this particular product may offer.
Although the Razalean website mentions several good weight loss ingredients, there is no way to discover if the inclusion rates are sufficient. Nor can you be certain if the list of ingredients is complete.
It would be nice to be able to see some customer reviews—the more the merrier.
If reliable feedback were available it would provide an idea of how well the formulation is likely to perform. It would also reveal if side effects are an issue.
The bottom line is pretty simple. Razalean is a diet pill of unknown origin. You cannot be sure what’s in it or how much and there’s a lack of customer feedback.
It could be the best thing since sliced bread or be as useful as a burned slice of toast. There are too many questions about the product and not enough answers.
In all probability, if you eat right and workout hard, it may help you to lose a bit of extra weight, but so would a cup of green tea.
Razalean Buying Options and Considerations
You can only buy Razalean via the official site. It ships to countries such as the Unites States, Canada, the UK and Australia.
At the time of this review, Razalean was priced at USD 69.95 per bottle.
Razalean After-Sales Service and Guarantee
If you buy Razalean and require any after-sales service you will probably be best trying to contact the company via email. The contact information is short and simple:
“Email: — We’re currently experiencing higher than normal volume this time of year. Email will get your questions answered much faster) Phone: 1 (888) 240-1853”
This product is not new to me. I’ve reviewed it before and the above message is a standard fixture.
I tried the Razalean telephone number while I was writing this review and got through straight away. There was nobody on the line so I listened to the silence for a couple of minutes and then hung up.
The good news is, the manufacturer promises a 60-day money-back guarantee.
The bad news is, a comment left on an online complaint board suggests the promise may not be fulfilled:
Similar Fat Burners to Razalean
- Vintage Burn – Vintage Burn is a sports supplement produced by Cosidla Inc and marketed under the Old School brand name.
- Instant Knockout – a cutting supplement that is popular with men and women who workout.
- Cellucor Super HD is a fat burner produced in the US by Cellucor. The company describes Super HD as a “feel good” weight loss product and says the use of nootropic compounds ensures the blend delivers powerful energy and focus