Belly fat is a condition that affects both males and females. Males usually accumulate abdominal fat due to their higher levels of testosterone, whereas the cause in females is hormonal changes that occur during puberty, pregnancy or menopause. In this article we will discuss why you have more weight gain around your midsection and how to reduce belly fat in females!

If you are concerned about belly fat there are effective supplements specifically designed for women. Women gain weight differently to men.
Women face additional challenges due to their hormones. Changes in estrogen make it easy to gain weight due to menstruation. Similar changes in estrogen levels are the root cause of menopausal weight gain.
For these reasons, Leanbean is also designed to address hormonal issues.
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What is the difference between male and female belly fat?
As we mentioned before, males and females accumulate excess fat in different areas of their bodies. Males usually develop belly fat due to higher levels of testosterone that causes the body to convert more calories into male hormones such as testosterone or dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This leads to an increased production of visceral adipose tissue which is then stored around the midsection of the body rather than subcutaneously. [source]
On the other hand, females develop belly fat due to their estrogen levels that fluctuate during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. These hormonal changes cause an increase in the production of cortisol which is associated with excess visceral fat tissue accumulation. This occurs especially around female reproductive organs such as the uterus, cervix and ovaries causing the lower belly to become bigger compared to males’ midsection.
Other ares of the body that affect women in terms of weight gain and noticeable fat deposits are the face and arms.
Hormonal changes also occur post-pregnancy. After giving birth to a child or during menopause when oestrogen decreases in females’ bodies, an imbalance between insulin and glucagon occurs which may further contribute to weight gain around the midsection.
This also creates insulin resistance which increases your body’s fat storage and appetite. As you can see, the hormonal changes in females trigger visceral fat rather than testosterone levels as it is with males.
Other Causes of Female’s Belly Fat
Although hormones play a major role when it comes to accumulating visceral adipose tissue, they are not the only factors that cause this condition. Other reasons include:
- Genetics, your genes can make you more likely to store fat in this area: If your parents accumulate visceral fat, chances are that you will too. Body fat distribution is related to your genetic makeup. being big boned and fat is more likely unconnected.
- Age, as you get older your body’s ability to metabolize fat decreases, so belly fat will accumulate on its own. Muscle mass also decreases while body fat accumulates.
- Prolonged periods of stress which increases cortisol levels resulting in increased abdominal fat storage around reproductive organs. When this occurs for a long period of time, it can even lead to the development of so-called ‘stress belly,’ which is a protruding and bloated midsection.
- A sedentary lifestyle: lack of physical activity has been proven to be closely related with an increased risk for developing visceral fat. Exercising on a regular basis helps in the reduction of body fat, especially around the waistline, hips and thighs, due to increased insulin sensitivity.
- Consuming a diet high in processed foods and sugar: this type of food promotes subcutaneous fat storage into our bodies rather than breaking it down which results in gaining belly fat for both men and women. This occurs because excessive consumption of simple sugars found in junk food increases the body’s glucose levels which in turn stimulates the production of insulin leading to increased fat storage around organs and health risks.
- Consuming too much alcohol: alcoholic beverages are very high in calories and when consumed on a regular basis, they can cause abdominal obesity due to their low nutrient content that promotes hunger pangs and overeating. Alcoholic drinks also contain empty calories which promote weight gain especially around the waistline.
How to lose female belly fat
In order to lose belly fat in females, you should follow a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet. You need these two components for successful weight loss! In addition, make sure your sleep schedule is consistent with at least eight hours of sleep every night.
The next step is to drop belly fat fast! Make healthy food choices, avoid sugar and carbohydrates as much as possible, stick to lean proteins such as chicken or turkey breast, fish or seafood, eggs and nuts/seeds. Avoid other processed foods full of saturated fat and trans fats. Be sure not to skip your breakfast – it gives you energy for the whole day so don’t waste this opportunity!
Finally, exercise regularly. What is the best exercise for losing belly fat? You should try high-intensity interval training (HIIT) – it’s a great way to burn calories and increase your metabolism. Do some research on HIIT exercises that can help you reduce belly fat in females such as cardio or strength training like squats, planks or burpees.
You can also try yoga which helps you build lean muscle, burn belly fat and get rid of toxins in your body (which is important for successful weight loss). Do not forget about stretching because it increases flexibility and reduces lower back pain! However, make sure to consult with a physician before starting any exercise routine if you have health issues such as high blood pressure.
Remember that losing belly fat is not a quick process – it takes time and patience but the results are definitely worth it! Losing belly fat post pregnancy should be done naturally and slowly.
Note: There is medication available for obesity. Phentermine is the most common and available on prescription if your doctor feels it is necessary. There are also over-the-counter alternatives that are naturally formulated.
Top Tips to Lose Abdominal Fat for Women
There are a few simple things that every female should know about losing their belly fat. First of all, try to reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 calories.
Second of all, do some strength exercises that will help you lose weight fast! For example, doing pushups is a great exercise for losing belly fat in females! Finally, remember to avoid any high sugar or processed foods which tend to increase leptin levels and ultimately cause more accumulation of belly fat.
- Follow a healthy diet rich in leafy greens like spinach
- Use a women ‘s fat burner like LeanBean
- Eat more protein (fish, meat or beans) to reduce your chances of feeling hungry throughout the day
- Reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 calories
- Engage in strength training exercises such as pushups to burn belly fat fast
- Avoid any high sugar or processed foods that can cause insulin resistance and increases leptin levels
Physical activity can help reduce belly fat in woman
In order to get rid of excess abdominal fat in females, it is recommended that you participate in at least 150 minutes per week (two and half hours) of moderate exercise which includes walking and cycling! You should also aim to do 30-60 minutes high intensity training two or three times a week.
This will help you to improve your body’s ability to burn fat, lose weight and also reduce abdominal fat.
Don’t forget about dieting to get rid of visceral fat
In order for females not only to remove belly fat but also prevent it from accumulating in the future, they should pay more attention towards their diets as well. Alongside regular exercise, it is recommended that females eliminate foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates from their diets.
At the same time they should focus on increasing consumption of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts/seeds/beans which are all rich in fibre content. Fibre binds with fat to help you feel full faster while reducing your appetite for more food. This will ultimately help you lose weight faster!
In addition to this, females should also try and eliminate processed meats from their diets as they contain higher levels of saturated fats which can lead to further belly fat accumulation along with increasing the risk for cardiovascular disease among other things.
In conclusion, pay more attention towards your diet alongside regular exercise in order to help reduce your belly fat!
Foods that cause belly fat and weight gain in Women
Are there any foods to avoid when trying to lose weight around the belly?
Yes, there are!
One of the biggest mistakes that women make is following a low-fat diet because it leads to an increase in carbohydrate intake. When you eat carbohydrates your body converts them into glucose which then increases insulin levels and eventually causes belly fat storage especially around the abdominal area. This happens due to our bodies storing excess energy as fat cells.
Another reason to avoid eating carbohydrates is because they usually contain high fructose corn syrup which has type two diabetes written all over it! The best types of carbs are whole grain and complex carbohydrates that will help you stay full for longer periods, provide your body with energy while also helping you lose weight faster.
One last mistake women make is consuming too much dairy! There is a lot of evidence that links dairy intake to weight gain and more belly fat. This happens due to an insulin response that can cause inflammation which also often leads to obesity as well as other chronic diseases such as diabetes.
The main foods you should be avoiding in order help reduce your waistline are; fructose corn syrup, dairy, refined carbohydrates and processed meats.
In conclusion, yes there are certain foods that you should avoid in order to help reduce your waistline! The best diet is a lower carbohydrate but healthy fat one. Include more whole grains, vegetables and fruit while also reducing dairy intake alongside with avoiding fructose corn syrup or any other type of sugar which can lead to insulin resistance and thus excess fat accumulation.