Leanbean is a female fat burner. There are dozens of fat burners for women on the market – but how many ARE actually formulated for women. Not many, if any at all. Lean Bean claims to be different and is JUST for women. Find out why. NOW with a new improved formula.

Product Name: LeanBean Female Fat Burner
Who makes it? – UltimateLife
What is it? – A fat burner supplement made exclusively for women. It addresses the reasons why women gain weight and find it difficult to lose.
Basic function? – to burn body fat, either as a weight loss or diet aid or to be used by women as the cutting part of muscle conditioning regime.
Recommended? – We are yet to a review a more complete of effective fat burner for women. If you are female and in need of a fat burning supplement then LeanBean is the number 1 choice. Now with a new improved formula.
Where is it available? – From the official website – shipping is available to virtually all countries including the UK, Ireland, United States, Canada and Australia.
LeanBean fat burner can be purchased in your local currency from the official website. It is ONLY available from the official website.
Current prices are:
USA – $59 per bottle (or buy 3 get 1 free)
UK – £39 per bottle (or buy 3 get 1 free)
Australia – AU$75 per bottle (or buy 3 get 1 free)
Canada – CAD$59 per bottle (or buy 3 get 1 free)
There are many language option including French, German, Italian and Spanish.
This review includes customer testimonials and feedback from real people experiencing real weight loss results
There is not a current valid LeanBean Coupon Code due to the special offers in place

Content Table
LeanBean Fat Burner for Women
Leanbean is a fat burner made for women. It’s manufactured and distributed by a company called Ultimate Life.
The company is based in the UK and only produces female-friendly supplements. It is popular in USA, Canada, Australia, France, Italy and Germany.
According to www.ResearchedSupplements.com, Lean bean is a fat burner made by women for women.
I would buy Leanbean and use it. It’s a clever product and, whether it’s made by women or not, it’s clearly been made with women in mind.
Most of the unbiased reviews on Leanbean are positive and past and current customers are please with the weight loss rsults
I will sprinkle some before and after photo’s randomly because … well because they are a big proof factor.
And what LeanBean fat burner has is bags of proof by way of before and after pics …. of real real people.

Next time you are reading a review and looking at a testimonial before and after picture ..check to see if that they are actually holding the product!
Ultimate Life also claims they originally developed the Leanbean formulation with female fitness models in mind. I’m not sure if I believe that either, but I do believe it’s an excellent option for fitness models.
Girls like that have it tougher than you think. They need all the help they can get and Leanbean should be just the ticket. It contains a seriously good formulation of ingredients and a lot of women working in the fitness industry admit they are using it now.
A lot of other women admit to using the fat burner as well. They also get very enthusiastic when it comes to saying how well it works.
It stands to reason if you are reading this Leanbean review your more likely to be a woman than a man. So, although I’m a guy I’m writing this with women in mind and will try to answer any questions you may have.

Although some fat burners are equally suitable for men and women, such options are very thin on the ground. The truth of the matter is, you women do have it a lot tougher than we men do.
For one thing, research shows you feel hunger more severely than we do. [SOURCE]
It’s easy to see Ultimate Life has taken this fact into consideration. Leanbean contains more appetite suppressants than other diet pills do and Ultimate Life has made some very good choices. If killing hunger was a crime, Leanbean would be sitting on death row.
Women also have it harder than us when it comes to caffeine. Whether you realize it or not, it can do nasty things with your hormones, especially during menstruation. [SOURCE]
The problem is, caffeine is so good for providing energy and clearing the mind it’s added to a lot of diet pills. Even ones that are alleged to be female fat burners and the doses involved can be very heavy-handed.

The ridiculous thing is, there is no need to go overboard with caffeine. There are other ways to achieve the same thing and Leanbean is a shining example. It contains no added caffeine at all.
Getting back to those hormones. Even without any intervention from caffeine, a lot of women have it pretty bad. Apart from the fact that hormonal issues can affect the mood they also cause some women to gain weight.
These hormonal issues kick off again during menopause. [SOURCE]
Although it may be possible to get by with a regular fat burner, a lot of women need all the help they can get. That’s why Lean bean contains ingredients that regulate female hormones.
There’s a secret to weight loss and it’s not a difficult concept to grasp. If you burn more calories per day than you put into your mouth your body will have to start burning its fat.

Of course, restricting the amount of food you put in your mouth is easier said than done. Losing weight is hungry work so the first thing Leanbean does is take that hunger away. That’s a major obstacle removed right there. It also prevents cravings for sugar and carbs.
Cravings like that are not like normal hunger. You generally get them after your meals. They occur if the blood sugar spikes after eating. When that happens the pancreas releases insulin, which brings the blood sugar back down.
If it brings the blood sugar down too low, your brain responds by hitting you with cravings for sugar and carbs.
Let’s not forget, you’ve already eaten at this point. You don’t need the extra calories. If you give in, guess where they are going to go. Probably straight to the hips, the belly and the thighs.
Don’t worry. Leanbean’s got it covered. It contains a couple of ingredients that make those types of craving stay away.

By controlling hunger and cravings, Leanbean makes sure you are going in the right direction. Then it gives you some extra support to get things moving faster.
The fat burning ingredients used in Leanbean are as good as they come. Their combined abilities give the metabolism a hefty push.
The metabolism is the process the body uses to extract energy from food and harness its power. When the metabolism is faster it puts that energy to work faster instead of storing it as fat.
Some of the ingredients also cause the body to lose extra calories as heat. Ever hear of that? It’s all to do with a natural process called thermogenesis and there’s a special name for diet pills that increase it. They’re called thermogenic fat burners. [SOURCE]
Let’s be clear about something here. As with any other diet pill, you should still be using Leanbean alongside a calorie-controlled diet. Nobody is saying it’s a magic pill.
However, Leanbean will prevent the problems with hunger. It will also help keep your unruly hormones under control. All you need to concentrate on is making smart food choices.
Here’s the real magic. The fact that you will have fewer calories going into your body and will be burning them faster will make your fat start to disappear.

Eating less food may be a fantastic way to lose weight, but it can also make you fantastically tired. Especially if you are doing things right and getting plenty of exercise.
Nobody wants to feel washed out and full of fatigue. That’s why Leanbean contains ingredients to perk you up and make you feel full of beans.
Most diet pills are designed to do this so Leanbean is not unique. Other diet pills boost energy by pumping you full of caffeine though. Sometimes there are other stimulants too.
Even if you forget the fact that caffeine and female hormones ain’t a healthy mix, filling your body with a lot of stimulants isn’t good. That’s why Leanbean is designed to go about things in a different way. So you get the energy you need without the worry of jitters or crash.
You need to take one Leanbean capsule with water four times per day.
- Before breakfast (1 capsule)
- Before lunch (1 capsule)
- During the afternoon (1 capsule)
- Before dinner (1 capsule)
There are 12 ingredients used in Leanbean. All of them are natural and will work in harmony with your body instead of screwing you up.
The full dose of four Leanbean capsules per day gives you:
- Acai Berry (800mg)
- Green Coffee (600mg
- Glucomannan (3000mg)
- Garcinia Cambogia (400mg)
- Green Tea Extract (200mg)
- Turmeric Powder (200mg)
- Cayenne Pepper (60mg)
- Raspberry Ketones (8mg)
- Black Pepper (20mg)
- Vitamin B6 (3.72mg)
- Vitamin B12 (6.4ug)
- Chromium Picolinate (120ug)
Although a couple of the Leanbean ingredients (black pepper + chromium) serve very specific roles, most of them offer multiple benefits.
Let’s take a look at them one by one.
Acai Berry
Acai berries are very healthy. You can buy them to snack on from any good health food store. In addition to being nutritious, they are packed full of antioxidants but consider that a bonus. It’s not why they’re included here.
Acai contains fatty acids that speed up the metabolism. It suppresses the appetite too. On top of all this, the berries also provide electrolytes that keep your energy levels nice and high.
Green Coffee
Green coffee beans provide chlorogenic acid. The compound has a lot of respect as a fat burner. In fact, some people consume green coffee beverages as a weight management drink.
Chlorogenic acid does another good thing too. It helps keep your blood sugar and insulin levels under control. [SOURCE]
Glucomannan is a super-absorbent natural fiber. It comes from the roots of the konjac plant. When I say super-absorbent I’m not exaggerating. The fibers can suck up around 50 times their own weight in water.
When you consume glucomannan with water the resulting combination forms a gel. This fills up the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety. The result of this is you have less interest in food. That’s why Ultimate Life tell you to take Leanbean before meals instead of after them.
The new formula now includes 3000mg of Glucomannan
Glucomannan also lowers cholesterol. That’s makes it an especially good addition. [SOURCE]
Cholesterol is more dangerous for women than it is for men and the danger increases during menopause.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit. Extracts taken from the rind of the fruit provide the chemical hydroxycitric acid (HCA). It’s an appetite suppressant that works by boosting serotonin (happiness hormone).
HCA further assists weight loss by reducing the body’s ability to store fat
Green Tea Extract
The antioxidants in green tea help you to burn fat by boosting the metabolism. [SOURCE]
The thing to know about green tea is its abilities have been investigated well and it’s one of the most respected fat burners in the world. It’s also good for reducing the problems many women are hit with during menopause. [SOURCE]
Turmeric Powder
A spice rack favorite that provides a versatile compound called curcumin that gives you energy and improves your mood. [SOURCE]
Cayenne Pepper
Like certain other members of the red pepper family, cayenne is rich in capsaicin. It’s a versatile compound that encourages fat loss by suppressing hunger, boosting the metabolism, and working as a thermogenic fat burner.
Raspberry Ketones
A natural phenol that is generally considered to be hot stuff as a fat loss provider. Apart from being good for controlling hunger, it also makes fat cells more vulnerable to the fat burning hormone norepinephrine.
Black Pepper
Black pepper contains piperine. It’s an alkaloid that boosts the absorption of other ingredients and it works especially well with curcumin.
The body has a lot of problems absorbing curcumin. In the normal state of affairs, it’s a difficult ingredient to put to work. Piperine changes the state of play entirely because it increases curcumin absorption by up to 2,000 percent.
Vitamin B6 + Vitamin B12
A powerful B-vitamin duo that supports a healthy metabolism by helping the body extract energy from food. You’ll find them both in most of the popular brands of energy drink.
Additionally, a lack of Vitamin B12 has been linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis. Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis than men are, so it’s a doubly good ingredient to have. [SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2]
Chromium Picolinate
Like chlorogenic acid, chromium is good for regulating blood sugar and insulin levels.

LeanBean Review from Customers
Leanbean customer reviews are excellent. This product is getting an awful lot of praise.
Let’s take a look at a few randomly selected comments:
“I recommend this product 110%. I’ve never had a fat burner that works so good and I never feel hungry or tired. I’ve got my mum using it now as well and she’s dropping the pounds like nobody’s business too.”
“I’m losing up to 5lbs a week with leanbean. My diet is the same and I haven’t made any major changes to my lifestyle. I know for a fact it’s not something else, it’s got to be the pills that are doing such a good job.”
“All my life I was nice and slim. Then the menopause started making me fat. I hated it and none of the other diet pills worked. Then my man bought me some Leanbean. I’ll be forever grateful. It’s the diet pill that gave me my figure back.”
“Although I had a few misgiving about putting my trust in this pill I can confirm that it works. My hunger is under control and I’m finally losing weight. I’ve noticed a distinct improvement in my mood lately as well.”
No side effects have been reported, but if you are pregnant or nursing a child it makes sense to check with a doctor before using weight loss products of any kind. If you have any existing health problems or worries you should be doing the same.

Does LeanBean Work? HIT OR MISS
Customer reviews show Leanbean is a bit hit with women all over the world.
After evaluating the formulation in detail I can see why. Should you buy it? That’s up to you.
What I will say is it’s in a class of its own. There are a lot of diet pills being sold as female fat burners. This is the only one that actually fits the bill.
Is it really made by women? I still don’t know. Was it ever used exclusively by fitness models? I don’t know that either, but I can see it really is made for women and, if your hoping for a shot at looking like a fitness model Leanbean has got to be your best bet.
LeanBean Coupon Codes
There is not a valid Leanbean coupon code or discount voucher due to current pricing special structure and discounts offered
Where to Buy LeanBean
You can only buy Leanbean from the official Leanbean website and Ultimate Life is offering a 90-day money back guarantee.
You can get up-to-date price information and check for special deals by clicking HERE.

LeanBean is available to buy in the UK but exclusively from the official website. High street stores such as Boots, Superdrug, Holland and Barrett do not stock.
Similarly in other countries such as Canada, Australia and Ireland
Although it has been formulated for women, men can also take it as there are no ingredients that would prevent male usage
No, availability is restricted to the official website where the manufacturer (Ultimate Life) control the pricing and distribution
The formula is completely natural and does not cause side effects if used in accordance with the manufacturers usage instructions
No, Ultimate Life does not operate using coupon codes, discount codes, or vouchers. Instead, customers can benefit from cheaper pricing from the special offers that run from time to time
The best price is from Ultimate Life, the special pricing is as follows
Results will differ from person to person. As long as you follow the manufacturers usage instructions users can expect some degree of weight loss
It is available from the official website but ships to Canada – see exclusive special deals