If you want to increase your sperm count there are certain foods that you should eat on a regular basis. Conversely, there are foods that you not eat that can negatively affect sperm count.

One the most beneficial natural ingredients that men can take to increase his sperm count and motility is zinc. There are natural supplements that can be included in your daily diet that include a combination of clinically proven ingredients that can improve your semen volume, sperm quality and even your sexual pleasure (sensitivity).
It’s no secret that men want to produce more sperm. It’s also true that many guys are trying to do it without the help of prescription drugs.
If you’re looking for a natural way to increase sperm count, there are some fertility boosting foods out there that can give you all the nutrients you need in order to increase your male fertility! In this article, we’ll list the foods which will improve your sperm count and get those swimmers swimming faster!
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Food to eat for Sperm Health
The foods below should help you get an increased sperm count or just an healthier sperm in general.
Avocado offers a number of benefits to help you be more fertile. The fruit helps to improve sperm motility, which is the ability for sperm cells to travel in the right direction and towards an egg cell. Avocados also contain vitamin B12, which can help you get your testosterone levels back on track after they’ve dipped due to nutrient deficiencies.
Avocado also contains a number of antioxidants and oleic acid, which can fight off free radicals. These harmful agents are what cause the low sperm counts.
Avocado also contains vitamin c and potassium, two very important nutrients. Vitamin c boosts the sperm count and motility while potassium can help to relax muscles in your reproductive tract so that semen is enabled to move freely through it.
Finally, avocado contains folic acid and vitamin B complex. Both of these nutrients can help to maintain and grow your sperm cells by promoting DNA synthesis, the process which creates new DNA for each cell division. It then promoted the creation of deformed sperm cells and should always be part of the healthy diet of someone trying to conceive.
This popular fruit is known for its potassium content. Potassium helps your body with muscle growth and contraction, nerve transmission, heart function, increasing sperm count and other important processes within your body.
But what many men don’t realize is that potassium also helps to regulate the amount of water in your body, which boost sperm count! It may not seem like much, but a reduction in semen quantity by one milliliter over 40 weeks could result in infertility. Bananas are also rich with vitamin B complex and vitamin C, which can both help support a healthy immune system.
This summer favorite contains citrulline amino acid and arginine. Citrulline converts into L-arginine in your body, which is an essential building block for proteins such as collagen and elastin (which are responsible for the strength of your skin and blood vessels).
Arginine also helps to relax the smooth muscles in your body, which can be especially important for those looking to improve their sperm motility. It’s also full of vitamin C as well as potassium, both of which are essential for overall health and support a healthy immune system.
Oysters may not be the first food that comes to mind when looking for ways to increase your sperm count, but they can make a big difference. They are also full of zinc and selenium which both contribute to healthy testosterone levels within the body.
Zinc can also help increase semen production and it also helps with cell division, something you need plenty of if you’re trying to conceive! Selenium also helps to protect your sperm from free radicals and can help your chances of becoming a father who have a deficiency of this mineral.
This breakfast staple is an excellent source of protein, which is important for overall health just like zinc and selenium. It’s also loaded with choline which has been found to support brain function as well as lower your risk of heart disease.
Choline also helps to improve the function of a bodily process called methylation, which is critical for sperm count and health! Eggs are also full of vitamin B complex as well as vitamins A and D. Vitamin D has been shown in some studies to increase sperm motility up to 23%.
Red Meat
If you’re a meat lover, you’ll be happy to know that red meat is full of zinc and iron which are both important to help men become more fertile. It contains high amounts of B vitamins as well as vitamin E, all of which help your body fight off free radicals.
Popeye’s favorite food may also have some benefits for those looking to increase their sperm count. Spinach is rich with vitamin E which has been shown to help improve sperm motility and movement, as well as boost testosterone production!
Spinach also contains magnesium and selenium, minerals that can both contribute to a healthy immune system. It’s also high in fiber just like avocados, bananas and watermelon which can help regulate the amount of water in your body!
Spinach also contains Vitamin C, which can help support a healthy immune system.
If you’re looking for something sweet to eat, dark chocolate is the way to go! This delicious treat contains polyphenols and antioxidants that act as anti-inflammatories within your body. These agents are responsible for helping maintain healthy blood flow throughout your body, including in sperm itself.
Chocolate also contains magnesium which can help regulate the amount of water in your body, while boosting testosterone levels at the same time. It’s especially important to include chocolate within your diet if you’re on anti-inflammatory medications since these drugs tend to lower testosterone production.
Caffeine is known to have a number of side effects when it comes to raising your chances of having a baby and fatherhood, but coffee also contains antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties that may benefit men looking for ways to improve their sperm count. A study conducted by Harvard researchers found that men who consumed at least four cups of coffee per day had a sperm count that was 73% higher than those who didn’t drink any. But don’t go overboard, too much caffeine is known to lead to poor sperm quality.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are a great source of zinc, protein, vitamin E as well as omega-three fatty acids which can all contribute to improve sperm counts and motility.
Omega-three fatty acids have been shown in studies to help improve sperm quality! Seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and flaxseeds also contain high levels of magnesium which has been found to improve sperm health.
Pumpkin Seeds also contain high levels of zinc and selenium, two minerals that help support a healthy immune system. Men with fertility problems are often found to be deficient in these nutrients! Pumpkin seeds also contain high amounts of omega3 fatty acids that help with sperm concentration.
Folic acid found in nuts and seeds like in pistachios and peanuts has been found to improve sperm quality.
Chia seeds and flaxseeds also contain high levels of omega-three fatty acids and magnesium which can both affect sperm count.
Legumes like beans, lentils and peas are also an excellent source of zinc as well as vitamin E which can both help boost sperm count and motility! These foods contain high amounts of antioxidants that fight off free radicals within the body, while boosting testosterone levels at the same time, and has also been shown to improve sperm motility.
Beans contain Vitamin C and folic acid which can also help improve sperm counts.
Known as a superfood to aid boost sperm count and motility, this green vegetable is full of vitamins A and E which are both important for overall health. It’s also high in antioxidants called glutathione which can help fight off free radicals that can damage sperm cells! Asparagus contains minerals such as selenium, calcium and phosphorus- all of which play a role in healthy sperm count.
Asparagus also contains Vitamin C, which plays a role in the production of sex hormones.
This food is great for overall health and contains allicin which can help improve cardiovascular function by lowering blood pressure. It’s also believed to boost testosterone levels as well as increase your libido!
Allium vegetables like garlic, onion and leeks all contain a chemical called saponin that has been shown to fight inflammation in your body as well as lower blood pressure! This can be extremely beneficial to men with lower sperm count since a study discovered that high blood pressure can cut off the supply of oxygen and nutrients your sperm need in order to survive, making it difficult for them to fertilize an egg.
Whole grains and cereals
Whole grains and cereals are a great source of zinc as well as magnesium which has been found to help improve sperm count and motility! Grain rich foods such as brown rice, oatmeal and quinoa also contain fiber, something that men looking to conceive should have plenty of. Fiber is important for overall health just like antioxidants from fruits and vegetables, but it can also help to regulate the amount of water in your body which is essential for increasing sperm count.
Loaded with omega-three fatty acids, vitamin B12 and selenium, salmon may be an excellent food choice if you’re looking to increase your sperm quality! Omega-threes have been shown to help improve sperm quality and movement while selenium has been found in studies to be an important mineral for male fertility.
Omega three fatty acids have also been shown in studies to boost testosterone production as well as improve sperm count and motility.
Dairy products such as milk or yogurt: These contain high levels of calcium which can help promote semen volume. Calcium is important for overall health just like magnesium, but it’s also essential in the formation of your bones and teeth!
These foods all have the minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that your body needs in order to increase sperm count. So if you’re looking for a healthy way to boost your fertility, start incorporating some of these foods into your diet.
Food to Avoid for Healthy Sperm
The foods below are to be avoided to increase sperm count and combat male infertility.
Processed food
Processed foods contain a number of chemicals and preservatives that can damage your sperm cells. This is why it’s important to eat organically grown produce whenever possible! If you are trying to conceive, now it’s the time to say no to hot dogs.
Refined sugar
Sugar suppresses the immune system which means that you’re more likely to get sick, but also have lower levels of zinc, selenium and antioxidants in general. This can affect your sperm motility so it’s important to cut back on the amount of sugar you’re eating.
While some may be surprised, alcohol can actually damage sperm cells and lower fertility according to a study done by Harvard researchers. So if you’re looking for ways to increase male fertility or just boost overall health, it’s time to say no to these foods and yes more of the ones listed above!
Foods for Boosting Sperm Count and Motility – Takeaways
The foods listed above all contain the minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that your body needs in order to increase sperm count and motility. So if you’re looking for a healthy way to boost fertility, start incorporating some of these foods into your diet.
Foods to avoid include processed food such as hot dogs which can damage sperm cells and refined sugar which lowers levels of zinc, selenium and other important nutrients for male fertility.
Alcohol consumption has also been shown to lower semen volume so it’s best avoided while trying to conceive or just seeking improved health overall! You can also consult a fertility specialist from your area who will be able to provide medical advice.