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Oxyflux Clenbuterol Tablets
Oxyflux are a brand of Clenbuterol tablets, sold in 0.02 mg (20 mcg) individual doses from online offshore manufacturers.
The name hit the forums a while ago due to people – mainly bodybuilders – questioning the legitimacy of the product and whether it was either effective, genuine or both.
Many of the individual reports have contained words to the effect that there may not be the stated amount of the active ingredient, and that it takes them more tablets to get the results they are after.
This is likely a comparison with Sopharma Clenbuterol tablets which are arguably one of the most popular and trusted brands of genuine product.
There is even a doubt as to whether all sources of Oxyflux are equal – i.e. there might be fake or copy versions of the brand coming from different and disreputable international origins. So, are people buying Oxyflux still or are there more trustworthy and safe options?
Crazybulk Clenbutrol – Safe, Legal, Effective

The top rated Clenbutrol from Crazybulk is our preferred alternative to clenbuterol hydrochloride. It contains a potent blend of natural ingredients which have both fat burning and carbohydrate blocking properties.
Crazybulk is a company which manufactures quality legal steroids and similar compounds. Legal to buy in every country and safe to use, check out our review by following this link:
Do You Need To Feel Clenbuterol?
Perhaps the most regular comment on the forums is along the lines of “it took x number of tabs until I felt the side effects.”
This is in fact one of the reasons Oxyflux’s reputation might be soured; because people believe they need to feel Clenbuterol work – i.e. feel the racing heart and jitters. It might be that the Oxyflux brand should not be trusted, however, the issue of ‘feeling’ Clen working should be dealt with.
The jitters, or any other side effect, should not be viewed as a sign that Clen is working. People often take too much of the drug to feel these effects, assuming it is some sort of assurance that it is doing the job.
Whether someone is experiencing these side effects or not has nothing to do with whether the medication is actually working, which is the opinion of many reliable sources of information.
How Does Clenbuterol Hydrochloride Help Fat Burning?
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride has a few physiological effects, but the most sought after is arguably its fat-burning properties. As a beta-2 receptor agonist and a sympathomimetic amine, it can interact with both the central nervous system and many tissue cells – including fat cells – throughout the body.
The beta-2 receptors specifically cause a reaction which increases cellular levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate. In the context of fat cells, this equates to higher rates of lipolysis (fat-burning). Via the sympathetic nervous system, it acts as a powerful stimulant, further inducing fat loss by increasing the body’s metabolic turnover.
Adaptation to Clenbuterol?
Clen is well known for its long half life – i.e. its effects can run for the full 24 hours of a day, as opposed to some fat-burning agents and steroids which have a shorter life. In contrast however, the body adapts quickly to clenbuterol which leads a lot of users to increase the dosage.
Incrementally increasing the dosage is one of the cycling methods (see the Clen Cycles article), people adopt in order to stay ahead of the adaptation. Some people increase the dosage too quickly, therefore the increase must be undertaken with the utmost caution.
Generally speaking, long term usage of Clen is regarded as inadvisable with a maximum length of 3 to 4 months to a cutting cycle/lean out phase.
Oxyflux Clenbuterol for Fat Burning
While there are people who purchase and use Oxyflux Clenbuterol, the fact that so many people do not understand or know for sure what the inclusion rate of Clenbuterol in each pill is, is a reason for even more caution.
There is no guarantee that what is purchased from various online sources of Oxyflux will be genuine Clenbuterol, and so care should be taken when dealing with this – and any other – manufacturer.
Results and Conclusion
Fat loss results with Oxyflux Clen seem to vary person to person. This is probably due to differences between individual users as well as variations in the strength and/or quality of the product.
The main thing to remember is that clen is simply medication which intensifies the process of lipolysis and fat-burning.
Diet and exercise are more important than any drug or supplement when considering a weight loss plan. To rely solely on a compound like clenbuterol to reduce fat mass while ignoring healthy nutrition and activity is at best useless and at worst, dangerous.
Clenbuterol results vary from effective to completely ineffective depending on the person. In contrast, the theory of calories in and out via dietary nutrition does not vary. If a person consumes more calories than they expend, they will put weight on. If they consume less, then they will lose weight. This is probably the concept which everybody should get to grips with before thinking about taking medication to assist the process.
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is known to be one of the strongest fat burning drugs to exist.
Not that weight loss was the original reason for developing the drug, but it certainly became its most sought after characteristic.
- Can you buy Clenbuterol in the UK or USA, or any other western country, though?
- Is it even legal to use for this purpose?
- Is It Safe?
- And, if you can’t get it, are there alternative products?
We’ll discuss these points here. First, a little overview of Clenbuterol Hydrochloride.
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride Overview
Clen, as it is more commonly known, is a sympathomimetic amine.
The important thing to infer from the name is that it interacts/affects the sympathetic nervous system.
It has bronchodilating effects and improves the short-term function of the cardio-vascular and respiratory system.
This is the reason it was originally conceived for medical application, to prescribe to patients who suffered from asthma or other related conditions.
For similar reasons, clen has also been used as a performance enhancing drug. Increased aerobic output is just one of the reasons it might be used, but there is also a mild anabolic effect to clen, together with an intense fat-burning one.
These open it up to a wide spectrum of potential users, from weight-class athletes looking to preserve muscle while losing fat (bodybuilders, fighters) to celebrities wanting the quick fat-loss fix.
Clen is a beta-2 agonist which means that it binds to receptors of the central nervous system and affects the levels of related neurotransmitters, such as adrenaline, noradrenaline (epinephrine and norepinephrine) and dopamine. And, as mentioned, the strongest effect of clen is the increase in thermogenic fat burning and base metabolic rate.
Farmers have even used clenbuterol to make their livestock leaner, although this practise is banned in most countries and is becoming more and more rare.
The odd occurrence is occasionally reported, and it has even happened where a professional sportsman has unwittingly eaten meat containing clen and failed a drugs test!
Can You Buy Clenbuterol?
Generally speaking, clen is classed as a low schedule controlled substance, which means a prescription would be required to be able to purchase/obtain it. Given that most drug authorities not approved it for human use (or even animal use) this is a non-starter.
That leaves the option of purchasing clen from offshore laboratories or underground dealers, both of which we advise you against pursuing.
Is It Even Legal to Use?
The sale, distribution and purchase of clenbuterol is illegal in most countries (e.g. UK, USA, Canada, Australia, most of Europe), but possession for personal use is not.
This is a grey area/loop hole that many people take advantage of by purchasing from an overseas laboratory (where purchase is legal) and then having it shipped to their country unmarked.
We don’t advise this because (a) it could still potential end up being legal trouble for you, (b) you have no idea what you are buying, even if it looks like genuine Sopharma, for example, it might not be, and (c) even genuine clen can cause unwanted side effects.
Is It Safe?
The phrase ‘not approved for human use’ is an alarming one, admittedly, but does it necessarily mean Clen is unsafe?
Clenbuterol can cause a number of negative side effects. If there is such a thing as any responsible dosage plan with clen, then it is usually when this has been disregarded that the most serious cases of health issues have arisen.
Again, we do not support the use of Clenbuterol Hydrochloride, but the severity of side effects do appear to be dose-related.
Those effects include: cardiac hypertrophy (unwanted growth of heart walls), nausea, vomiting, hyper CNS stimulation (shakes, trembling, jitters), uncontrollable weight loss, high heart rate.
Are There Any Alternative Products?

There are a few products on the supplement market which aim to emulate the effects of Clenbuterol, but with one important difference – no negative side effects.
The best one we have found in this category is manufactured by the company Crazybulk. Their supplement line is filled with alternatives to steroids and drugs like Clen.
They use natural ingredients which tend to be analogues of the original synthetic drug, except that they do not have negative side effects.
The sacrifice is that they are a little less potent than the original drug. It’s a good trade off in our opinion as you can use the Crazybulk version long-term.
The product’s name is Clenbutrol, which is mightily close to the original Clenbut-e-rol. Follow the link below to read our full comprehensive review.