How to Lose Genetic Fat

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By Eddy Burke

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So, how to lose weight if you’re genetically fat? Losing weight is one of the most difficult things to do. It’s hard enough to find time in your day, let alone make yourself go through all those gruelling workouts. But don’t give up hope! This article will teach you how you can lose genetic belly fat.

How Your Genes Contribute to Obesity?

People who are genetically fat can get away with eating junk food more than skinny people. They’re not necessarily lazy – it’s just the way their body is made up, and there isn’t much they can do about it. However, this does mean that if you want to lose weight or maintain your figure, you will have to exercise frequently! That means no skipping out on gym fees because “you don’t feel like going.”

Must Read: Eating as our ancestors did – natural, wholesome and organically is called the Ancestral diet. It is one of the healthiest eating philosophies and very easy to follow. Read more

How Do You Know If You Have Fat Promoting Genes?

Is your weight predetermined – is your weight written in your DNA? There are three ways to find out whether you have fat promoting genes

  1. Check your family history. If most of the people in your family (especially on either side) is obese or overweight, there’s a strong chance that you might be genetically predisposed towards obesity as well.
  2. Get tested for gene specific diseases and disorders which cause weight gain and weight problems such as leptin resistance [1] and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). These conditions will make it very difficult for you to lose any weight unless they’re treated properly. You can ask about these tests at your doctor’s office.
  3. Try losing some weight! People who start off thin but slowly put on more pounds over time tend to be the most genetically likely to become obese.

What is Your Body Mass Index (BMI) Rating

Your body mass index rating is a calculation of the ratio of your height to your weight. If you have a BMI rating above 30, then there’s a high chance that you are obese or overweight. So if your number is on the higher end, it might be time for you to start losing genetic belly fat!

How Your Diet Contributes to Obesity?

If you know for sure that your genetic makeup contribute towards obesity (or at least make losing weight harder) then what should change? You guessed it-your diet! If genetics makes losing weight difficult then the only other way around this would be by changing how often you eat, what you eat and how much.

How Many Calories Should You Consume?

Many people who are genetically fat don’t realize just how many calories they’re eating every day-and this is the main reason why it’s so hard to lose weight for them. It might be time to get a journal or an app that helps track daily calorie consumption so you can know exactly how many calories you need in order to sustain your current body type (as well as gain muscle mass if needed). While dieting, remember not to go below 1200 calories per day! This will make losing weight very difficult because even though your body isn’t receiving enough energy from food sources, it’ll start breaking down skeletal muscles instead – something which should always be avoided

What Can You Do To Lose Genetic Body Fat?

Eat healthy, maintain a good diet and don’t skip meals! Your body needs the right amounts of nutrients in order to function properly – it doesn’t matter if you’re always on the go or not, never forget about taking your daily dose of fruits and veggies every morning. This will ensure that you have enough energy for working out as well. Eating disorders are dangerous so do not resort to these methods unless recommended by an expert physician/dietician!

Try exercising more frequently than before and burn calories even though this might seem difficult at first especially since some people may feel self-conscious while others just simply hate doing cardio exercises like running long distances. Experts recommend that you try doing high intensity interval training which is a type of cardio workout where the person performs short bursts of vigorous exercise for 20-30 seconds, with breaks in between.

Don’t use your genes as an excuse to be lazy and eat more than what’s healthy! There are so many benefits associated with maintaining a proper diet (avoiding processed foods) and exercising on a regular basis – it’ll not only help prevent obesity but will also improve heart health, skin complexion etc. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym or starve yourself if this isn’t something you’re interested in doing…it’s just about being aware of how much food you consume every day (and making sure it’s within recommended limits), drinking plenty of water throughout the day instead of sweetened beverages and getting a good night’s sleep.

Include these weight loss tips in your daily routine and adopt a healthy lifestyle if you want to lose genetic fat without having to resort to other methods like steroids or any weight loss surgeries (which should be avoided unless recommended by an expert). You can also try consulting with a physician before starting on the journey of losing weight! Remember that it will take time for you body to get used to changes-so don’t give up even if things seem difficult at first. Just keep trying, stay focused and determination will help make sure your efforts aren’t wasted.

Here is a recap for some easy to follow for weight loss tips to follow if you are overweight due to you genes or genetic predisposition.

14 Tips To Lose Weight If You Are Genetically Fat

  1. Exercise more – this will help burn excess calories that are being stored as fat.
  2. Eat healthy – this means cutting out processed foods and increasing fruit & vegetable intake. This is better for your overall health rather than losing weight in the short term with fad diets (which tend to be unhealthy).
  3. Don’t skip meals – you need energy from food sources throughout the day, not just during breakfast or dinner times.
  4. Keep a journal of what you eat every day so you can make sure it’s within recommended limits (and also see which types of foods give you more energy) . Research has shown that people who keep journals weigh less than those who don’t! And if they lose weight then they’re able to maintain their new weight after one year compared to people who don’t keep journals.
  5. Do high intensity interval training – this workout technique is great for burning calories and improving cardiovascular health in a short amount of time compared to traditional/lower intensity workouts. You can refer to the previous blog post which mentioned many benefits associated with HIIT!
  6. Don’t use genes as an excuse to be lazy & eat more than what’s healthy, do it because you want to improve your overall well-being (rather than just losing weight) . Exercise isn’t compulsory but will help make sure that any changes due to dieting aren’t reversed after quitting. No one has ever regretted exercising; they only regret not starting back when they were able too…so give yourself no excuses and get out there today!!
  7. Eat probiotic foods – these will help improve gut health and by extension, overall well-being.
  8. Drink plenty of water – this is actually really important even if you’re not trying to lose weight because it helps maintain the function of every system in your body (circulatory/respiratory etc). Plus drinking enough water is good for maintaining healthy skin too! One tip I heard was that when you feel hungry drink a glass of cold water; sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger which is why many people eat unconsciously.
  9. Keep hydrated throughout the day – aim for around two litres per day but don’t force yourself to drink excess amounts if you know your stomach can’t handle it (some people may get uncomfortable feelings like cramps or nausea from drinking more than usual).
  10. Get a good night’s sleep – make sure you set yourself a routine which includes going to bed and waking up at the same time every day (including weekends) as it will help your body get used to changes gradually. This is important for weight loss because people who don’t sleep well tend to eat more than those who do! So getting enough shut-eye can be an effective way of losing genetic fat without even dieting…just remember that there are many ways in which lack of sleep affects our health so aim for around eight hours per night if possible.
  11. Don’t skip breakfast – this was something I always did when trying to lose weight but my mom told me not too long ago and now I know why: skipping breakfast is bad for so many reasons! If you’re trying to lose weight then this means that your body doesn’t have the energy it needs throughout the day which can lead to overeating later on. Plus not eating in the morning makes our metabolism slower leading us to gain weight even if we eat less than usual during other times of the day…so definitely don’t skip breakfast!!
  12. Eat enough fiber – fiber helps make us feel full and also reduces risks associated with heart disease, cancer etc (you should aim for around 30-40g per day).
  13. Don’t rely too much on supplements – yes they may help but there are no magic pills out there; everything works better when combined together rather than just one thing being used alone because each person is different and responds differently to various things.
  14. Don’t eat more than you should (unless it’s cheat day) – knowing your limits is important for weight loss especially if you’re trying to lose genetic fat; all we can do is our best but there will be times where we slip up and that just comes with the territory of life. The most beneficial way of coping with setbacks as they come instead of avoiding them altogether would be by staying positive. Imagine how much money people waste on fad diets which give no lasting results…eating right takes time, patience, practice & trial-and-error so enjoy experimenting! Don’t diet: improve through healthy habits.
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about the author

Eddy Burke is a fitness and nutrition expert. He understands the weight loss industry and what elements are needed to live a healthy lifestyle. Eddy's background is very specialist. He is a genealogist, specializing in working with clients to build their family trees. He has been involved in the field for over 10 years and enjoys helping people fill out their branches.