Kinobody is of those products I think I am not going to like but end up liking it! The guy (Greg O’Gallagher) is credible and the results speak for themselves.

KinoBody is a company that provides training programs for men and women who want to lose weight and/or attain the body of their dreams.
According to the official website, people who get with the program and use it in the specified way can get fit and strong and enjoy a lean and chiseled “Hollywood Body” while still eating the foods they love.
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What is KinoBody
KinoBody is marketed with an incredible amount of hype. The promise of a superhero-type body seems a little too good to be true. Especially when dished up alongside the idea you can eat what you like.
However, when you manage to get past the hype and cast the initial quibbles aside, KinoBody is not without substance.
Don’t get the idea that it will be an easy way to get in shape though. There are no free rides.
KinoBody isn’t just about training. It involves major lifestyle changes, dedication, and commitment.
Origin of the KinoBody Company
KinoBody was founded in 2011 by the Canadian fitness guru Greg O’Gallagher. He was just 19-years-old at the time. His company went from strength to strength and by the time he was 24 Greg was a millionaire.

However, even before he registered his KinoBody website, Greg was already the owner of a popular YouTube station. In fact, there are those who call him the guy who became a millionaire by taking his shirt off on YouTube.
The thing to remember is, we can all take our shirts off and post videos on YouTube. Doing so is unlikely to help too many of us to get rich.
The difference with Greg is his physique speaks for itself. He’s very credible. In fact, Greg was his own, personal success story long before he decided to share his system and help other people to get in shape too.
About Greg O’Gallagher
Greg knew from an early age that he wanted to have a phenomenal physique. Like a lot of young boys, when he was six-years-old he had a set of action figures.
The difference was, instead of just playing with them he was admiring their muscles and wondering if it was possible for him to build a muscular body too.
When he was nine-years-old, Greg borrowed his father’s dumbbells and got to work.
Six years later he created a YouTube channel and began sharing videos of his workouts and his progress over the previous two years.
Greg was still pretty shy at the time and it was difficult for him to handle all the attention so he shut it down for a while.
When he was 18-years-old Greg dropped out of university, followed his heart and opened a personal training business.
The following year, he registered the domain
Present Company Structure
In 2013, Greg joined forces with a marketing team and gave them a share of his company. Although he retains a 50% share of KinoBody, the other 50% of the company belongs to the four marketing experts who help him.
The KinoBody online store also presently offers a range of KinoBody supplements, training apparel, and clothing.
KinoBody Marketing
A certain amount of KinoBody’s success is attributable to a marketing video with the title “The Real Bruce Wayne Revealed.”
The video is about intermittent fasting (a key part of Greg’s system). It’s a shot-for-shot recreation for a scene from American Psycho.
Greg is shirtless during the early scenes of the video and then, after drinking coffee with a leggy lady friend, he gets dressed, leaves the mansion in a Lamborghini, and heads for the gym.
Training Strategy
During the video, Greg explains his take on intermittent fasting and then follows up with a brief insight into his training strategy.
The video ends with him stating, “My name is Greg O’Gallagher. It’s time to unleash your potential.”
After it was posted, in 2015, the video went viral and presently has over 2.9 million views.
Greg has since admitted that, although the mansion belongs to his family, the Lamborghini was a rental and the girl in the video was actually only a friend.
However, the video is quite a good match for a lifestyle brand such as the one Greg is selling.
The KinoBody Philosophy and Workout Packages
KinoBody aims to help people achieve “extreme physical excellence” in strength, fitness, and aesthetics. It’s not about becoming Hulk-like or looking unusually muscle-bound.
There are a number of program options:
- Aggressive Fat Loss
- Warrior Shredding Program
- Greek God Program
- Superhero Bulking Program
- Goddess Toning Program
- KinoBooty Program
All of the programs provide a combination of diet and training advice. This is presented in a number of ways including text and video tutorials.
Some of the programs are for men, others are for women. All of them have a 30-day money back guarantee.
As for the price, unless there is a promotion, most of them retail for $69. That’s actually surprisingly cheap. Many competing programs cost considerably more.
Let’s look at each of the KinoBody programs one by one.
Aggressive Fat Loss
The Aggressive Fat Loss Program is for men who want to burn fat fast without feeling burned out.

Losing Fat
It’s about losing the fat and keeping it off without becoming obsessive about diet and exercise.
After completing the program, users can decide to either focus on maintaining their present bodyweight or progressing to lean bulking.
Warrior Shredding Program
The Warrior Shredding Program is for people who want to lose fat, increase strength, and build dense muscle tone.

Increasing Strength
It’s aimed at people who want to achieve the same lean, “wiry” looks of Henry Cavill in the fantasy action movie Immortals.
According to the KinoBody website, most men doing the Warrior Shredding Program see results within the first one to two weeks.
Greek God Program
The Greek God program is for men who want to increase their muscle mass and strength.
There are only three training days per week and they involve a simple 2-workout split.

Minimalist Training
The Greek God Program also involves following Greg’s minimalist training method. Apparently, this provides the most results for the least effort.
Again, it’s not about looking like the Hulk. Instead, customers are told to aim for a look similar to Brad Pitt in the Troy movie, or Stephen Amell in Arrow.
Superhero Bulking Program
The Superhero Bulking Program is a comprehensive program for men who want to make fast muscle gains while attaining “aesthetic proportion.”
It’s for men who aspire to have a body similar to that of Chris Hemsworth in the Thor movie or Henry Cavill in Man of Steel.

Maximize Muscle Gains
The Superhero Bulking Program is a 4-phase program that lasts 8 months. It promises to help men to maximize their muscle gains without adding any fat to their physique.
Only three gym days are necessary each week and there is no need to train to exhaustion. Nor is there any requirement for boring food prep. A “Marvel-worthy” body is promised without the need for a program that will take over your life.
Goddess Toning Program
In case you haven’t guessed, this one is for the ladies. The Goddess Toning Program is for women who want to get fit and look lean.

More specifically, it’s for women who want to look like Scarlet Johansson or Jessica Biel. However, in this case, KinoBody only connects the look to the actresses, not specific movies.
Nutrition and Workout System
The Goddess Toning Program is a nutrition and workout system that involves diet, cardio work, and strength training. Like the other KinoBody programs, it promises a great body without the need to sacrifice favorite foods.
It also has some “rituals” to help women start loving who they are now along with and who they’re going to become.
KinoBooty Program
The KinoBooty program is another one for the girls. The KinoBody website describes it as a weight training program that focuses on the lower body.
The program is for women who want to attain the “coveted” waist to hip ratio, have a slim waist, and a perfect tush.
In this case, KinoBody does not provide any female role models to emulate, so women who do the KinoBooty Program will need to find their own.
Apparently, it’s the simple formula actresses and Instagram models are using to look amazing. Again, the KinoBody website fails to say which ones.
However, the program promises to help women drop fat, add muscle, and attain an amazing shape.
Core KinoBody Concepts
Although the KinoBody programs promise to help people to get the body of their dreams and eat what they like, they won’t be able to eat when they like. KinoBody involves a highly restrictive eating pattern known as intermittent fasting.
Intermittent Fasting
There are lots of different forms of intermittent fasting. The 5:2 diet is one of the more popular ones.
It involves five days of normal eating each week and two days where calorie intake is severely restricted.
Some other forms of intermittent fasting involve daily fasts. People who do any of the KinoBody programs have to follow Greg O’Gallagher’s example and avoid eating any food before 2 pm in the afternoon. After that, they can eat what they want.
MEGA is an acronym. It stands of Minimal Effort Growth Acceleration. Greg O’Gallagher came up with the name himself.
When he was working as a personal trainer, he noticed the amount of gym time people put in didn’t make much difference. Whether they were aiming to lose weight or bulk up, the extra time was not helping.
His observations lead Greg to believe exercise is a stressor and that hard exercise was best done intermittently.
MEGA provides people with plenty of time to recover between training sessions.
Reverse Pyramid Training
Greg recommends Reverse Pyramid Training. This involves starting with the maximum weight possible. After this, the weight is reduced for the following sets.
This type of system is pretty common, though there are bodybuilders who prefer to do things the other way around (Pyramid Training).
KinoBody Before and After Photo’s

KinoBody Reviews from Customers
Although a lot of people praise the KinoBody Fitness Programs, there are a few nay-sayers.
Some people claim the information is sparse and poorly presented and say they had difficulties getting a refund.
To be fair, in a lot of cases people are damning specific KinoBody programs due to their first impressions. You cannot say a system does not work unless you’ve actually tried it.
A few people say they had to stop because it was difficult to adjust to intermittent fasting. This is understandable. This type of eating pattern is not for everyone.
However, one of the most interesting evaluations comes from journalist Justin Caffier.
Caffier had his doubts about the system so he decided to try and get in shape with “YouTube’s Douchiest Fitness Celebrity”.
Despite his doubts, after a month on the Aggressive Fat Loss Program, Caffier lost eight pounds. ( )
If you don’t allow the hype to put you off, it’s easy to see Greg O’Gallagher is on to something. His way of doing things certainly appears to work well for him. The man has a phenomenal physique. He looks good without taking things over the top.
Obviously, his programs will not work for serious bodybuilders, but that’s not who they are for.
When he was a child, Greg wanted to get a body similar to that of his actions figures, he worked for it and that’s what he got. Being huge was never part of the plan.
There is no reason why Greg’s KinoBody shouldn’t work for other people too. However, there is one Achilles’ heel. It’s the intermittent fasting. Not everyone can adjust to that type of life.
Intermittent fasting is also unsuitable for people with certain health issues, such as diabetes.
The good thing about intermittent fasting is, during the hours without food, the body has to burn fat. However, it’s unlikely to make it possible for people to eat what they want.
It doesn’t matter how many calories they burn during the morning, if they eat too much high-calorie food later in the day it will be still possible to gain weight. It’s a little like taking one step forward followed by two steps back.
As far as the price goes, all the programs are very reasonable. Some people pay more for a 30-day supply of supplements. KinoBody provides information you can follow for the rest of your life.